How to fix crochet blanket curving

Creating a crochet blanket can be a labour of love, but sometimes you can encounter an unexpected issue – a curved or wavy edge. Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us. Here are some ways to deal with it.

Identify the cause

Before you can fix the issue, you’ll need to know what’s causing the curve in your crochet blanket. Common culprits include differences in tension, stitch count, or yarn thickness. Identifying the root cause will help you choose the right solution.

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Use blocking

Blocking is a great option when your crochet blanket kits curve. It involves wetting the blanket, pinning it into the desired shape, and allowing it to dry. Blocking can help even out stitches and reduce any unwanted curvature, but be sure to follow the specific blocking instructions for your yarn type.

Add extra rows

If your blanket is curving due to differences in stitch count, consider adding extra rows to even things out. You can gradually increase or decrease the number of stitches as needed until your blanket lies flat. Online specialists such as Wool Couture stock crochet blanket kits, so you can always get the wool you need.

Use a border

Borders aren’t just for finishing touches – they can also help straighten out your blanket. A simple, evenly crocheted border can work wonders in smoothing out any irregularities along the edges.

Change your stitch

Sometimes the stitch pattern you’ve chosen might be causing the curvature, so experiment with different stitches to see if one creates a flatter result. Single-crochet and half-double crochet stitches are often good choices.

Steam blocking

For stubborn curves, steam blocking can be your superhero. Hold a steaming iron or handheld steamer a few inches above the problem area, allowing the steam to relax the yarn fibres. Gently stretch and reshape the blanket as you go.

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Keep tension consistent

Tension consistency is key to preventing and fixing crochet blanket curves, so pay attention to your tension as you work. Ensure it remains even throughout the project and you’ll get the results you’re looking for.

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