Flowers to include in your arrangements

Do you love to have some flowers in your home? They are a wonderful way to add some character and color into any given room and why not give your local Florist Tewkesbury way such as of your favourite cut flowers and ask them to create a beautiful arrangement for you. Here are some of the flowers that you might want to choose from.

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Daisy – these beautiful flowers are perfect in any arrangement, regardless of the colour palette that you choose to have. They are perfect for any size of arrangement and even look great in a vase on their own.

Gypsophila – this often used as a filler flower in arrangements and the beautiful small white flowers can add extra depths to your display. They can be used in a number of different ways and again will work with any colour palette.

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Marigolds – if you want to make a bright statement then ask for marigolds to be used. These beautiful orange flowers are perfect for a summer time display.


Peony –  larger flower that will be the focal point of your piece. This often look amazing arranged in a vase with other flowers that enhance the beautiful pink colour of the peony.



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