What does earwax do and why is it important

Have you ever found your inner ears starting to itch or noticed that your hearing is becoming a little muffled? You might be in need of an Ear wax removal Newbury company to help remove excess ear wax. Earwax, or cerumen as it is medically known, is a sticky substance that is produced by glands that are found in our ear canals. Although too much earwax can cause problems with your hearing, it does serve a number of crucial functions in maintaining the health of your ears.

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Ear wax helps to keep our ear canals moisturised and prevents both dryness and itching from occurring. This is important for both the comfort of our ears and also for their overall health. Wax also helps to protect the extremely delicate inner ear as it acts as a barrier which prevents dust, dirt and other particles from entering the ear canal. The stickiness of the wax can also help to keep away bacteria that can lead to ear infections.

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Our ears are self-cleaning, and we are continually producing ear wax to help with this process. As we make new ear wax, the old wax is moved along the ear canal to the ear opening. This helps to remove trapped debris and dead skin cells. The action of chewing and jaw movements that take place during talking help to move ear wax towards the opening of our ears.

It is important that if you notice that you have a lot of earwax building up, you seek the help of a professional to remove this safely.

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