Focusing more on core business matters

Setting up a new business is easier than ever before with access to technology meaning you don’t need a lot of capital, staff or even storage for inventory. There is a wealth of online tools available for entrepreneurs looking to build from nothing or improve on existing business practices. Such technology can have a positive impact on even the smallest businesses.

One of the biggest problems for small business owners is that they spend too much of their valuable time managing the business and not enough time growing it. One industry survey revealed that many business owners spent as much as 40% of their time on tasks unrelated to the growth of their business. Here are some helpful ways for small business owners to reclaim some of that precious time:

  1. Clever marketing

There are clever ways to make your company look bigger than it really is by putting aside a little budget for marketing your brand. By creating a website and making use of social media, you can create an identity and brand ethos that will give you a bigger profile. Consider a Cheltenham Business Coach to help you. Visit to find out more.

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2. Automate and outsource

To free up valuable time to focus on core business needs, automate or outsource as many time-consuming admin tasks as possible. Tasks like invoicing, payments, email marketing and payroll can all be automated or outsourced. It also guarantees that jobs don’t get forgotten or done poorly because you’re too busy or don’t have the relevant expertise.

3. Size isn’t everything

You might not have the luxury of big departments and huge budgets, but you do have certain advantages with being small. Being a small business means you can move faster, change your course quicker, be more agile and engage and connect with your customers in a way that large corporations simply can’t. Only you know how small you really are, and your customers will think you just care more than competitors.

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4. Don’t stay bound to your desk

You don’t have to feel chained to your desk from 9 to 5 every day. With all the amazing technology we have these days, you can run a business from virtually anywhere. Applications like Skype allow you to connect and network anytime of the day as long as you have an internet connection. It doesn’t matter where in the world your customers, employees, partners or investors are when you can all access collaboration apps.

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